by irapahanel | Aug 11, 2021 | bloating, chinese medicine, Healing Blog, herbal medicine, indigestion, Women's Health
When you get a headache what does it feel like? Is it dull, nagging, aching and lasts all day? Is it sharp, stabbing, throbbing and short-lived? Where is your pain located? Does it feel like a tight headband going from your forehead to the back of your head? Maybe...
by irapahanel | Aug 3, 2021 | bloating, chinese medicine, Healing Blog, herbal medicine, indigestion, Women's Health
“The eyes are the window to the soul” as the saying goes. This couldn’t be held more true in Traditional Chinese Medical theory as we look to the eyes to diagnose the quality of the shen, or spirit. Clear, bright eyes tell us the spirit is vital and strong,...
by irapahanel | Jul 28, 2021 | bloating, chinese medicine, Healing Blog, herbal medicine, indigestion, Women's Health
Western medicine is catching up now on the fact that there’s a link between the gut and the brain. Chinese medicine has known this for thousands of years. Western thinking can actually complement Chinese medicine and vice versa. Patients with a lot of anxiety...
by irapahanel | Jul 22, 2021 | acupuncture, chinese medicine, Healing Blog, herbal medicine, sugar detox, Women's Health
A Traditional Chinese Medical (TCM) doctor and a western medical doctor perceive the body somewhat differently. Each organ according to TCM has its own set of functions. Some overlap with the western functions, and some are entirely different. One thing that is...
by irapahanel | Jul 14, 2021 | chinese medicine, Healing Blog, herbal medicine, Women's Health
A study conducted by researchers at the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and published by the Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine demonstrates how acupuncture can improve visual acuity, reduce light sensitivity and decrease visual...