by irapahanel | Jan 26, 2022 | acupuncture, chinese medicine, digestion, Healing Blog, herbal medicine, nutrition
In TCM theory, digestion represents the central axis around which everything else revolves. It provides our main source of (post-natal) energy from the breakdown and absorption of food. Even minor disruptions in this system can progress to significant and varied...
by irapahanel | Jan 5, 2022 | acupuncture, chinese medicine, digestion, Healing Blog, healthy fats, Healthy Food, herbal medicine, nutrition
Did you know that acupuncture can help with a number of digestive issues? Yes, it’s true! Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when stomach acid frequently flows back into your esophagus – the tube connecting your mouth and stomach. If you suffer from...
by irapahanel | Dec 29, 2021 | acupuncture, chinese medicine, Healing Blog, healthy fats, Healthy Food, herbal medicine, nutrition
The gift that keeps on giving… is it diamonds? The Jelly of the month club? No, it’s the gift of good health. Health is the gift that offers the recipient their best chance at enjoying life. Health confers energy, freedom, the ability to embrace the fullness of our...
by irapahanel | Dec 16, 2021 | chinese medicine, Healing Blog, healthy fats, Healthy Food, herbal medicine, nutrition, stress, tea
As the 2021 Holiday season is upon us, many are eager to get back to celebrating with our friends and families in the traditional way…in person. This year, getting together is much more feasible as our population gets increasingly immunized, but there are still...
by irapahanel | Aug 25, 2021 | bloating, chinese medicine, Healing Blog, herbal medicine, indigestion, Women's Health
Late summer is a time of transition, when we move from the most Yang time of the year to the beginning of Yin time. The earth is preparing for its next season. The 2-3 weeks between each season is the time associated with the Earth element, and a time to ‘return to...
by irapahanel | Aug 18, 2021 | bloating, chinese medicine, Healing Blog, herbal medicine, indigestion, Women's Health
For people with psoriasis, suffering from painful symptoms like inflamed, flaking and red skin is not pleasant. The chronic skin condition is due to an overactive immune system that can be triggered by a number of internal and external factors. Many Western treatments...