Summer Relief: How Acupuncture Can Alleviate Seasonal Allergies, Nasal Congestion & Stimulate the Immune System!

Summer Relief: How Acupuncture Can Alleviate Seasonal Allergies, Nasal Congestion & Stimulate the Immune System!

Summer is a season of sunshine, outdoor adventures, and blooming nature. However, for many, it also means the onset of seasonal allergies. Sneezing, runny noses, itchy eyes, and fatigue can turn the vibrant days of summer into a struggle. While many people reach for...
Holistic Health for Kids and Teens: Insights from My Week at the Children’s Hospital on the Big Island

Holistic Health for Kids and Teens: Insights from My Week at the Children’s Hospital on the Big Island

Greetings, Wellness Warriors! This month, I spent a week with the amazing team at the Children’s Hospital on the Big Island, and the experience was eye-opening. The key takeaway? Treating our kids and teens holistically is essential for their overall well-being....