Kokin Healing Blog

4 ways acupuncture can improve your health
For 3,500 years, we have used acupuncture as a form of treatment and therapy. Acupuncture is the process of activating your internal self-healing mechanisms by applying stimulation such as needling, moxibustion, cupping, and acupressure on specific sites of the body....

How prenatal massage helps you and your child
Your body encounters enormous challenges during pregnancy. Aside from the obvious physical changes to your outward appearance, your muscles grow stronger, tendons and ligaments soften and begin to stretch to accommodate a growing baby, and hormones flood your system....
Election-induced anxiety
One of the most common complaints we've been seeing in the past month has been a serious mental health issue: election induced anxiety. The American psychological Association says that 52% of American adults are coping with high levels of stress brought on by the...
Yes, We Do Cupping!
As expected, because so widely publicized by Michael Phelps this week, I have been getting numerous questions regarding cupping: what is it? when do you use it? does it hurt? should I do it?Cupping is not a new fad! Medical texts documenting cupping have...
Ayden's Story
It's not every day that you get to meet a boy like Ayden! Ayden is one of the happIest children I have ever met, and what a blessing it is to have him in my practice. Ayden is 5 and has muscular dystrophy and scoliosis. He suffers from tight muscles and joints and...
Acupuncture, exercise, and conception
May was a very fertile month for us here at the Kokin Healing Center! Eight patients reported pregnancy following fertility acupuncture and herbal medicine! Some patients also combined fertility acupuncture with an IUI cycle or IVF cycle.It is truly exciting to...

Food as Medicine Worshop
For the second year in a row, I am attending an intensive four-day conference through the Harvard School of Public Health and the Culinary Institute of America (CIA). My passion for medicine and culinary arts blends together in such an amazing four days of workshops,...
How do you regulate stress?
This past weekend I attended a 12 hour conference on neuroendocrine health. It was fascinating and detailed course about how our bodies respond to stress. What happens to us when we have poor sleep, severe stress, depression, low energy, and low libido? Have you ever...
Teens with acne and stress benefit immensely from acupuncture and herbal medicine
We see many adolescent patients struggling with severe acne that often coincides with significant stress. Our kids are under an extreme amount of pressure these days, and often this can cause hormone imbalances that lead to inflammation throughout the body....
Healthy Kitchens, Healthy Lives
I am currently attending the Healthy Kitchens, Healthy Lives conference in St. Helena, CA. It's put on by the Harvard School of Public Health and the Culinary institute of America (CIA). Dr. David Eisenberg's vision of healthcare providers collaborating with...

Meet Marin L. Kokin, L.Ac.
Marin — acupuncturist, nutritionist, and owner of the Kokin Healing Center — is beloved by her patients. Read about patients that have found success at the Kokin Healing Center in Calabasas.