by irapahanel | Sep 21, 2022 | acupuncture, chinese medicine, Healing Blog, insomnia, Sleep, stress
Nearly 30% of American adults struggle with chronic insomnia, and that percentage increases with age. Standard treatment includes sleeping pills and cognitive therapy. Cognitive therapy shows a lot of promise as an effective treatment and sleeping pills, though...
by rose | Jun 24, 2020 | acupuncture, falling asleep, Healing Blog, insomnia, stress
Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is practiced in many different forms which include herbal remedies, cupping, and massage, which have all been used for thousands of years. The basis of TCM is the idea of qi, the body’s vital energy. TCM...
by rose | Feb 19, 2014 | acupuncture, anxiety at bedtime, caffeine-free tea, falling asleep, Healing Blog, insomnia, tea
With life being so stressful, sometimes it is very difficult to simply go to bed at night. I have seen many types of insomnia, such as difficulty falling asleep, or getting up through the night and not being able to fall back asleep. Sometimes it's so difficult to...