by irapahanel | Mar 9, 2022 | acupuncture, chinese medicine, Healing Blog, herbal medicine, lower back pain, nutrition
Did you know that acupuncture can be a powerful ally for people who have various types of Diabetes? It’s true… let me explain how an acupuncturist views the common condition. Although Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine uses different methods to treat...
by irapahanel | Mar 2, 2022 | acupuncture, chinese medicine, Healing Blog, herbal medicine, lower back pain, Menstrual Issues, Women's Health
Menopause, for some women, is a welcome transition to the post-reproductive phase of one’s life, and for some, can be challenging due to the symptoms many women experience. From a Chinese Medicine perspective, it is the inability of the body to adjust its energies...
by irapahanel | Feb 24, 2022 | acupuncture, chinese medicine, Healing Blog, herbal medicine, lower back pain, nutrition
Winter is kidney season! Kidneys are, in many ways, the alpha and omega of Chinese medicine organ theory, as they manage development and decline and therefore both life and death. They are also considered the root source of our energy. Essence, or jing qi, is the...