Kokin Healing Blog

At the Kokin Healing Center, we’re all about education. We love to empower our patients to learn how to take good care of their bodies; and we’re always learning ourselves. In that spirit, the Healing Blog is a place for us to teach and to learn. We hope you enjoy these posts and share them with friends, family and colleagues.
Finding Relief: How Acupuncture Can Help Treat Addiction

Finding Relief: How Acupuncture Can Help Treat Addiction

Addiction affects millions of Americans each year. Whether it's substance abuse from alcohol, nicotine or other drugs, addiction is a disease that takes treatment and commitment to overcome. Many times, rehabilitation doesn’t work the first time, but takes many tries...

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Combat Stress and Improve Your Health The Natural Way

Combat Stress and Improve Your Health The Natural Way

The dictionary defines stress in multiple ways, but there is only one that matters when we discuss how stress affects our physical bodies. Stress is defined as a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension. Stress actually does have a...

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Treating Stress with Heart Healthy Foods

Treating Stress with Heart Healthy Foods

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the heart can be considered the most important organ in the body. All other organs connect to the heart and help the heart function as best it can. According to TCM, regulated blood circulation depends on the heart’s energy flow, or...

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The Many Dimensions of the Heart

The Many Dimensions of the Heart

The heart is an energetic system we often treat in Traditional Chinese Medicine. According to Chinese Medicine theory, there are many systems of energy within the body. Each of these systems corresponds to certain physiological and psychological functions. So when we...

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Healthy Eating for Winter

Healthy Eating for Winter

Winter, in most places, is a time of colder, shorter days. So naturally, when there is less reason to be outdoors, the body tends to want to stay inside where it is warmer. The body’s metabolic rate will be slower, which means eating foods full of sugars can become...

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Meet Marin L. Kokin, L.Ac.

Marin — acupuncturist, nutritionist, and owner of the Kokin Healing Center — is beloved by her patients. Read about patients that have found success at the Kokin Healing Center in Calabasas.
