6 Fun Facts You Didn’t Know About Sleep!

6 Fun Facts You Didn’t Know About Sleep!

1) 12 percent of people dream in only black and white. Some wake up with vivid detail from their dreams, others with no recollection at all, and some recall their dreams exclusively and specifically in black and white. 2) ⅓ of our lives will be spent asleep. If you...
Acupuncture and Herbs for Sleep

Acupuncture and Herbs for Sleep

The digital stimulation we experience these days is overwhelming; This past year was absolutely no exception. In 2020, virtual meetings and classes took over our homes, near-constant attention to news updates became a necessary evil, and online social media became the...
Tune into Health

Tune into Health

Remember the days of rabbit ear antennas on your television sets? If you were lucky enough to find the exact seating position in your living room to optimize your body’s own magnetic field and the tilt of the earth’s axis, these beauties could tune in your favorite...
What is Dampness and how can Acupuncture help?

What is Dampness and how can Acupuncture help?

Dampness is an insidious beast. It works its way in, silent and sneaky. Before you know it, you’re filled with it, and you can barely get out of your own way.  Damp is a term acupuncturists use when the fluids of the body aren’t being processed correctly, leading to a...