Five Self Care Tips for Fall

Five Self Care Tips for Fall

Fall is a favorite season for many people. The weather starts getting a little cooler, things are beginning to slow down and preparations for the holidays are in full swing. For many others, fall is not so festive. Many people get sick during the fall months,...
Acupoints for Fall

Acupoints for Fall

Because the lungs are one of the organ systems correlated with fall in traditional Chinese medicine, lung acupuncture points can be beneficial at this time of year. In this article we’ll look at two common lung acupoints and what they’re good for. Lung 7 In classical...
TCM for Neurological Disorders

TCM for Neurological Disorders

Neurological disorders cover a wide range of health issues. Everything from headaches to seizures, and strokes to Alzheimer’s disease, can fall under the category of neurological disorders. According to the World Health Organization, nearly 1 billion people suffer...